
274 Madison Ave, Suite 304 (Btw 39 and 40th str)
New York, NY 10016

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Don’t let a urinary tract infection ruin your day, visit this internist in NYC for treatment

There are multiple types of uncomplicated infections our bodies will suffer from throughout our life, but one that plagues women in particular is a urinary tract infection (UTI). While deemed a simple bacterial infection that is easily cured with antibiotics, until healed it can inhibit anyone from functioning normally throughout the day. UTIs are uncomfortable at best and painful at their worst, so it’s important to take steps to curing it the moment you feel you have one. If the pain has become unbearable or you want a quick fix before it gets there, make an appointment with an internist in NYC for help.
If you are unsure if what plagues you is a UTI, take note of these common symptoms:
      Constant, uncomfortable feeling of having to pee
      Pain or burning during urination, specifically as you finish
      Blood in urine
The moment you sense you need bladder infection treatment you need to change your diet. Stop drinking coffee, orange juice, alcohol and soda, as all of these substances tend to not only increase the need to pee more often (which at this point is painful), but tend to irritate the bladder. Instead, drink glasses and glasses of water in order to dilute your urine and flush out some of the bacteria in your urinary tract. There has been little research to prove the effectiveness of drinking cranberry juice, but many people attest to it as an optimal cleaning variant for our internal plumbing. If you do decide to drink it, however, be sure you buy pure cranberry juice, as most cocktail brands have added sugar that can further irritate your bladder.
For pain, you can take a hot bath or use a heating pad to alleviate discomfort, but it is strongly recommended you visit a local pharmacy and purchase a pain reliever made specifically for bladder infections. You’ll know it’s the right kind if the symptoms of the drug tell you it’ll turn your urine orange.
If symptoms persist or you want a faster fix to this irritant, visit an internist NYC for a quick diagnosis and some antibiotics. With prescribed medication the symptoms should diminish in about a day, although you should complete the prescription to ensure the infection clears completely. Women, a word of advice from a veteran of UrinaryTract Infection treatment: if you get yeast infections often be sure to ask your doctor for an antifungal antibiotic with your prescription, as yeast infections are a common side effect of antibiotics!
If you’re looking for a great medical doctor in NYC for UTI treatment, check out this medical clinic in NY located in midtown nearby the Grand Central and Bryant Park stations. Besides being incredibly fast and convenient to get to, you can make a same day appointment online in mere seconds to meet with a board certified physician. Just visit their website UTI treatment in NYC and click on their web check in system. If you’d rather speak to someone, just call their office at 212 696 5900.
Don’t let an irritated bladder irritate you, visit an internist and get help today.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Three ways to prepare for your NYC internist appointment for hypertension.

The most common reason adults in the United States visit an internist is high blood pressure. Between 2005 and 2008 the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that approximately 29-39 percent of American adults have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. And of these people a remarkable amount of them do not receive the adequate care they need. This survey also tells us that only about 46-51 percent of people with high blood pressure have it under control, and thus put themselves at risk for heart attack and stroke.
Many adults do not realize they have hypertension or do not take their case very seriously because they feel little to no symptoms, as the disease is mostly asymptomatic. Because of this many adults snub doctors’ visits or their suggested therapy that may conflict with their previous, habitual way of life.  This tendency to dismiss the condition is why hypertension is the most frequent cause of heart attack and stroke in men over 65. If you feel you have high blood pressure, visit a medical doctor NYC.
The more prepared you are before visiting the doctor the more productive the time is you spend at their office. Here are three ways to get ready: 
1.    Write Down Your Family and Personal History
You want to be very clear about your history and how your family blood line may impact you. Write down any history of high blood pressure in your family including heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol or diabetes. If recently you’ve experienced high levels or stress due to some life changes, note that as well. Stress can raise your blood pressure levels and may affect your prescriptions.
2.       Write Down Your Recent Symptoms 
The biggest waste of time and money is not being clear about your symptoms to your doctor because it forces him or her to ask leading questions and guess for you what you might be experiencing. Hypertension for the most part has no symptoms, but it helps to note anything odd you’ve been feeling lately that may be connected. Have you had recent chest pains? Shortness of breath? Write down anything unusual, and note the level of pain between 1 and 10, ten being unbearable pain and one being totally bearable.
3.       List all of your medications
Your doctor needs to know about everything that could be affecting the way your body works, including medicines you take. Certain drugs can cause blood pressure levels to rise and you may need a different prescription. But also note what vitamins and supplements you take; everything you ingest should be noted.
Other good ways to prepare is to avoid drinking caffeine the day of your appointment, wear a short sleeve shirt so your doctor can easily measure your pressure levels, and bring along a friend or someone you feel very comfortable with. You need to be honest when talking to your doctor, and may want a supportive friend with you to relax the environment. Be honest about your habits, your diet and how often you exercise. The best diagnoses come from honest patient testaments. 
If you are looking for an internist in NYC, check out the medical clinic NYC located near 42nd on the west side of Manhattan. Its staff is very professional and its hours very accommodating, open late at night and even Saturdays. You’ll meet with a Board Certified Doctor with years of experience in helping adults who suffer from hypertension and heart related problems. Just log onto their website at MedicalClinicNY.com or call their office for appointment at 212-696-5900.
Don’t forget these three tips for getting prepared, they’ll only help you and your doctor help you.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Three ways to cope with having diabetes, including finding the right internal medicine doctor in New York

Don’t let a recent diagnosis of diabetes affect your mental and emotional wellbeing. It’s not easy learning you have the condition, but take refuge in knowing that there are millions of people out there like you with diabetes and are living healthy, happy lives. Relax, work closely and honestly with your internal medicine doctor NYC, and get on with your life using by implementing these simple mottos:
1.       You Can Handle This and Anything Else
The American Diabetes Association stresses on their website that people with diabetes should never feel like that illness makes them incapable of doing anything. Thousands of people not only get by perfectly well with diabetes but manage incredible feats. For example the 2010 winner in the show “The Amazing Race,” Nat Strand, has diabetes, and she handled bungee jumping off a 150-foot crane. Nick Jones, the international pop star, has diabetes. Olympic runners, professional athletes, successful business men and women, Halle Berry, Drew Carey, and multiple other achievers live with diabetes. They can do it, and so can you.
2.       Don’t Let Shame, Denial or Anger Overwhelm You
Illness in any form can make individuals suffer from feelings of denial, which often develop into anger, further turning into shame. Diabetes can be scary, so it is natural to deny having it. But denying its effect on you only limits your ability to manage it. Accept it, and move on. It’s just another side of yourself you have to live with, like being a terrible singer or being bad at math. It’s nothing to feel ashamed of or feel angry about, it just makes you, well, you.
3.       Exercise for You
Moving your body and working up a sweat not only helps manage your condition but it makes you feel good in general. Don’t worry about how you look or how much or little your body starts changing from 30-minutes a day on the treadmill; focus on how good it makes you feel, how much more energy it gives you. Make it something incredible selfish you do only for yourself, not your doctor, not your family, just you. You will have more energy throughout the day and you will start feeling better about yourself and build confidence that will assist you in dealing with diabetes.

Finally, find an internal medicine doctor that you trust and feel comfortable to perform diabetes testing. When you work in an environment where you struggle to relax and be honest it inhibits your doctor’s ability to help you. Do you feel like your doctor rushes through your exams too quickly? Would you prefer someone of the same sex? Maybe someone older? Don’t feel guilty if you wish to seek different help, it’s your body and, in all honesty, your money.
If you’re looking for a different doctor, try visiting this medical clinic in NYC to meet with Dr. Slava Fuzayloff. He has a highly respected practice located in midtown where he and his professional staff have been helping men and women manage their health and medical conditions for years. He’s also incredible committed to his patient’s health and their happiness, taking time to offer personal and professional advice during every visit.
Check out his website at primary care doctor NYC or call 212-696-5900 to make an appointment to come into the office.
If you have diabetes, remember, you can handle it and so should you doctor. Find out what works for you.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012