
274 Madison Ave, Suite 304 (Btw 39 and 40th str)
New York, NY 10016

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Overweight? It’s time to walk in to a doctor’s office for a diabetes testing

Being overweight is not a guarantee you’ll get diabetes. It does, however, dramatically increase your likelihood of getting it. Research has shown that individuals who are overweight are at a substantially higher risk for diabetes than others. In their national obesity and diabetes research survey, The Center for Disease Control shows a clear correlation between obesity and diabetes. Our nation’s two fattest states (Mississippi and Alabama) also have the most cases of diabetes in this country. In comparison our nation’s thinnest states (Colorado, Montana, New Mexico and Utah) also have the fewest recorded cases of diabetes. If you’re overweight, getting to a NYC urgent care clinic should be a major priority for you.
But why does being overweight or obese increase ones likelihood of getting diabetes? To understand this you need to understand how our body breaks down the food we eat and uses it for energy.
Food doesn’t fuel our body, what we turn food into does. A cell does not swim up to a piece a ground beef you swallow and absorb energy from it. Remembering high school biology: our body sends food into our digestive system and then uses bile (it’s gross) and enzymes to break down the starch and sugars until all that’s left is our body’s number one source of energy: glucose. Yet glucose is not a self-sufficient machine, it needs to be carried around. This is what the hormone insulin does. Insulin, which is formed in the pancreas, takes glucose from our blood and feeds it to our cells, which in turn energize our body.  
Yet insulin cannot always manage the glucose intake from over eaters. People who are overweight have an excess of fat cells in their body. Fat cells don’t just chill out in the body; they, like other cells, like to be fed glucose. Yet unlike muscle cells, fat cells are incredibly inefficient at absorbing glucose. Because of this, glucose circulates in the body longer as insulin works overtime to push glucose into an overwhelming amount of fat cells. On top of this, when the pancreas recognizes a high demand for insulin its starts overworking its insulin-producing cells, which eventually become defective and then decrease in number. Thus there is too much glucose and not enough insulin to manage it effectively.
When this happens, you will immediately start feeling low in energy, as there’s not enough insulin to feed starving cells. In the long run, high blood glucose levels can damage your eyes, heart, and kidneys.
If you know you’re overweight, visit our internist in NYC, Dr. Slava Fuzayloff, for a diabetes testing NYC. His office is affordable and convenient, located blocks away from two major subway stations and open six days a week. He’s one of the few licensed physicians that takes walk-ins, but you can also make an appointment but logging onto the Walk-in Clinic NYC website.
Now that you know how harmful that extra fat is, it’s time to take action. Start by getting screened for diabetes. 

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